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1 soul09_P0000
2 Strike first and strike hard!
3 Move in! Use melee attacks!
4 Close in and grab this bull[ST:n ]by the horns!
5 Attack from range! Follow me!
6 Don't forget to buff up!
7 Weaken them and wear them[ST:n ]down!
8 It's on now! Close the distance!
9 Here we go. Open fire and[ST:n ]cover me!
10 Tactics matter! Prep yourself[ST:n ]with an aura!
11 I need healing!
12 Little help here?
13 I'm still in this. Give me a boost!
14 I think I've hit my limit.[ST:n ]Heal me!
15 I have to keep fighting.[ST:n ]Patch me up!
16 It's not worth healing me. Just[ST:n ]buff us up and keep fighting!
17 It's in your hands now...[ST:n ]Strike, and strike hard!
18 Forget me! Just blast them[ST:n ]while you can!
19 Let me see one last aura[ST:n ]before I go...
20 Now! Follow with a real[ST:n ]bone crusher!
21 It's working! Follow with[ST:n ]some gunfire!
22 There! Now you can[ST:n ]weaken 'em!
23 Got an appendage! Step in[ST:n ]and use melee attacks!
24 Opportunity knocks![ST:n ]Topple 'em with gunfire!
25 That's gotta hurt.[ST:n ]Now cripple 'em!
26 That's it. Now smack that[ST:n ]giant good!
27 We need more power to[ST:n ]tackle a heavyweight like this!
28 Don't let 'em faze ya.[ST:n ]Remember we have Overdrive!
29 Yes! Now tackle it up close!
30 Take aim now![ST:n ]We've got a shot!
31 Yes! Now weaken 'em!
32 Focus your mind and put up[ST:n ]an aura!
33 Don't just attack blindly![ST:n ]Use an aura!
34 Don't lose morale. Buff up!
35 Let's finish this. Who's with me?
36 Send a whole army—[ST:n ]you can't stop me! Overdrive!
37 It's now or never![ST:n ]Gird yourself with an aura!
38 No resting! Step in and face[ST:n ]the next one!
39 Don't let up! Gunfire!
40 More on the way.[ST:n ]Buff up and get ready!
41 You can't even touch me.[ST:n ]Use an aura!
42 I'm practically invisible![ST:n ]Buff up and confuse 'em!
43 If only lightning were this fast.[ST:n ]Now pump 'em with lead!
44 They're wide open![ST:n ]Move in for a melee attack!
45 Yeeeesss! Now fire and[ST:n ]keep firing!
46 That felt good.[ST:n ]Now jump in there!
47 The weather's turning.[ST:n ]Buff up and brace yourselves!
48 Ready your auras! You can't[ST:n ]trifle with Mira's weather.
49 Weaken 'em and let THEM[ST:n ]deal with this weather!
50 Now THIS is what I call[ST:n ]running. Buff us up!
51 Heh, they'll never catch me.[ST:n ]Give us some more buffs!
52 New strategy! Get your[ST:n ]Overdrive ready!
53 Thanks. Now get back in[ST:n ]there and show them!
54 Impeccable timing. Let's see what[ST:n ]you can do with that firearm!
55 Thanks! Now get an[ST:n ]aura ready!
56 You're like the wind in my sails.[ST:n ]Now buff us up!
57 You're too kind.[ST:n ]Break out those buffs!
58 Don't get yourself hurt.[ST:n ]Where's your aura?
59 Looks like we'll have to bust[ST:n ]our way out of this!
60 I refuse to retreat.[ST:n ]Concentrate your fire!
61 Buff me up! I can fight my[ST:n ]way out of this!
62 Fire! We'll catch 'em off guard!
63 I'm attacking from higher[ST:n ]ground! Cover fire!
64 Fire away. I'll keep 'em[ST:n ]pinned down!
65 Now's your chance.[ST:n ]Lay into them!
66 Got 'em! Now blast 'em to bits!
67 This is our chance to[ST:n ]weaken 'em!
68 That should stop 'em.[ST:n ]Now move in and attack!
69 Stopped 'em cold! Take aim!
70 They're not going anywhere.[ST:n ]Cripple 'em!
71 Asleep on the job? Someone[ST:n ]could use a good wake-up slap!
72 Look at this lazy slob. Wake[ST:n ]'em up with a few bullets!
73 A good-morning melee strike[ST:n ]should do the trick!
74 Got 'em! Strike while the[ST:n ]iron's hot!
75 I'll hold 'em, you blast 'em!
76 The enemy's restrained! Close[ST:n ]in and keep it that way!
77 Damage sustained...[ST:n ]Patch me up, quick!
78 Never mind the damage.[ST:n ]Step in and counterattack!
79 I'm hit! Screen me with some[ST:n ]cover fire!
80 Damn! Heal up so we can[ST:n ]strike back!
81 Dammit! Buff us up and let's[ST:n ]turn this around!
82 Forget about me! Just kick it[ST:n ]into Overdrive!
83 Low fuel! A buff might tide[ST:n ]me over!
84 Fuel's running low. I need a fix!
85 Can you patch me up?[ST:n ]I'm running on fumes!